Sunday, 20 September 2015

Thank you! Message from Dorcas Gano, HWC President

Hako Women’s Collective would like to thank all of the people and organisations who helped in one way or another with the ‘shipping container project’, and to share with you some of the wonderful things that happened because of it. Many people and organisations including NSW Parliament, Churches and Schools supported this project, by donating goods, donating money, helping with moving and packing the goods, taking part in a fundraiser, helping with organisation and logistics, and giving support and encouragement to the Sydney team. We are very grateful to you all. For more of the story, click here.

Receiving all of these materials has given us the resources we needed to put into practice many of the projects we have been planning, in some cases for a number of years. Just as importantly, knowing that people so far away are interested in our work and want to support it has been very encouraging. Using the materials from the container:
  • Hako Women’s Collective’s aim is to complete the renovation of a former mechanic’s workshop into a Resource Centre in Ngalkobul Village with an office, library, meeting area and a safe house for women escaping domestic violence ready for official public use from June 2016. Books, teaching resources, beds, tables and chairs, office furniture, linen, paint; tools and many other donations have all been utilized in establishing this Resource Centre.
  • School and community groups will be able to visit the Resource Centre and use the books and other resources once cataloguing and library set up is completed.
  • Workshops, library visits and annual events such as World Environment Day, World Food Day, HIV/AIDS Day, Human Rights Day etc will continue but with better facilities for sustained programs from the Hako Resource Centre.
  • Bougainville Women’s Federation has completed and furnished its new office and cafe in Buka Town, and has been able to run sewing and other workshops in many parts of Bougainville. The donated sewing machines and CafĂ© resources are in valuable tools for the women’s programs.
  • The surgeon at Buka Hospital received the surgical instruments at a critical time  when he had completely run out of plates and screws to set broken bones. With the surgical resources in the container he was able to work through his operating list.
  • The Autonomous Bougainville Government Hansard office was able to install and start using the computer servers donated by NSW Parliament.
Hako Women’s Collective has plans for some important new projects, as well as ongoing commitments. Our major projects over the next couple of years are:
  • To build an Amenities Block with water tank for provision of basic amenities adjacent to the Resource Centre with toilet, shower, kitchen and eating / refreshment area
  • To construct a Food Security Office and Rice Milling shed next to the Resource Centre as part of the existing complex and services to Hako Community (population 30, 000)
  • To establish a Training Centre on a surveyed site of land granted to HWC at Tanamalo Village in Hako for Adult Education, Literacy, IT Training and Joblink courses
  • To develop partnerships with Autonomous Bougainville Government, Bougainville Women’s Federation and program funding partners for training and reconstruction of resources in Civil Society post conflict community development.
If you would like to make a donation to help our work, please contact us for bank details. 

We are most grateful for your support and interest. 

Yours sincerely
Dorcas Gano 
President, Hako Women’s Collective