Saturday, 18 October 2014

Done and dusted (almost)

It seems that they have done wonderful job in Buka of sorting out the container contents and getting them moved. Nina has sent another article about the last couple of days, which you can view here. Some of the materials they will start using straight away: but the BWF still have more building to complete before they can open the cafe.

Many thanks to all the people who contributed to this project. I'll post updates when I get them so you can see how the projects are progressing.

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Unpacking: some photos

The amazing Nina managed to take some photographs and put together a story in pictures, in between  unpacking and sorting. You can see it here.
The special bolt-cutter resistant padlocks we had put on the container in Sydney turned out not to be rust proof and the keys wouldn't work, but eventually they managed to undo them - with lubricants, bolt cutters and old fashioned brute force...

Monday, 13 October 2014

The container has arrived!

It has been a long, long process, but the shipping container of resources and equipment that we sent from Sydney in May has arrived at Buka port - on Friday morning, 10 October. I don't have many details yet, or photos - and there may still be some bills to pay - but we are so relieved it has finally arrived.
Many thanks to everyone who has played a part in this project, in many different ways. Congratulations especially to Nina and Barbara at BWF in Buka town, who followed up relentlessly to get all the clearances.
I gather it may take a day or two to get the container off the wharf, as there are a couple of others in front of it. The next steps will be unpacking: the boxes for BWF will go into the new building in Buka Town, but those for the Hako Women's Collective will need to be transported by truck (or several trucks) up to Kohea village at the northern end of Buka Island. This will be a busy and exciting time!